
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

travel apps to make your life easier

travel apps to make your life easier

I'm on a bit of a travel hiatus. Suuuuuuuck. As much as I've enjoyed being home, I'm going a little stir crazy. However, it's given me a great opportunity to get a lot of little things done, like cleaning out the deep freeze, organizing our (ever-growing) wine collection, and essentially organizing my life.

Speaking of organizing, my travel plans are usually pretty laid out. I use various mobile apps to help make the planning experience considerably easier. I'm here to share a few of my favorite travel apps to make your life easier.

packing pro

I am notorious for forgetting to pack something. However, after downloading Packing Pro, I have yet to forget anything. You can easily create customizable lists, choose your own color scheme, and opt to export with the touch of a button. I haven't found anything easier than this app to keep track of what I need to take with me, whether it's a quick weekend trip or an international excursion.

globe converter

This tool is convenient for more than for just traveling. I'll be the first to admit that I'm pretty horrible at math, which makes conversions to metric a bit more difficult for me to convert when we're traveling internationally. Not only does Globe Converter make metric conversions easier, it helps me with measurement conversions in the kitchen.

grid diary

A few years ago, I watched a quick video on the important of gratitude. I was in a particularly odd place in my life and I found myself being more negative than usual. So I started documenting all of the amazing things in my life, and it completely made a difference. 

I'm a big fan of documenting my day-to-day life (including the good, bad, and ugly). I don't always share it, but I keep it. I highly recommend finding an app that's easy to use, like GridDiary. It's fairly user-friendly and intuitive...even better, it's completely customizable. It's also great for documenting my amazing travels.


Well...duh. Did you expect anything less? Instagram is one of my most-used apps, for both travel and daily use. Instagram makes it super easy to share posts on various platforms.

While these aren't all of my apps, these are definitely a few of my favorites. One of my favorite things to do is to fine new bits of technology to make my travel go a little more smoothly.

You tell me. What are your go-to travel apps? Comment below or send me a message at amanda@winebooksandwanderlust.com.

8th cancerversary + the gift of gratitude

8th cancerversary + the gift of gratitude

weekend wine review | 11.11.16

weekend wine review | 11.11.16