Keep in mind, I’m not a professional cook or fitness guru…just a very happy home chef and healthy(ish) person. All of my recipes are either family recipes or ones I’ve found and perfected through trial and error. I’m not a dietician or fitness consultant, either. If you’re worried about special dietary concerns, please consult a nutritionist. Any exercises are just stuff that I've tried or want to try. Just make sure you know yourself & your capabilities. I like you and want us to be friends for a long time.
Per the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) of 1998, all of my work on this site is protected. I’m willing to entertain licensing photos for commercial use, but shoot me an email to get written approval first. Most of the time, I won’t mind if you share my stuff…just cite me on it. There’s no need to steal my shit. It seriously upsets me.
Also, unless explicitly noted, I’m not getting paid for any product promos. Most of the stuff I’m shamelessly promoting is because I just like it. I promise that I’ll let you know ahead of time if my product plugs result in any personal benefit. And if anyone wants to pay me for my opinion, that sounds like a damn dream job to me!
Simple summary: just don’t be a jerk. I hope this blog inspires you to explore new places and try new things. Feel free to leave a comment or follow me on social media!