
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

easy travel hacks

easy travel hacks

Gearing up for travel is one of the most anxiety-ridden times for me. I'm naturally a planner and an organizer, but I'm always worried I'm going to forget something - list or not. I have some small tips and tricks that I use when I'm on the go that let me relax a bit and stop worrying about logistics.

the dirty clothes bag

You get grimy when you travel. No matter how great the place is, you're picking up all sorts of junk, gunk, and yuckiness over your trip. In every single one of my suitcases, I keep either a plastic shopping back or a full size trash bag to throw my dirty clothes in. I know it sounds weird, but I can't help it. 

travel tote

Several years ago, my mom bought me this really great Jon Hart makeup case that I use everywhere. In fact, I don't take stuff out of it. I keep the bag fully stocked, so I just have to throw in my allergies meds and go. Things to keep in your tote? Hair ties & bobby pins, deodorant, face wash, moisturizer, sunscreen, a comb, hairspray, and a bar of solid shampoo (my current favorite is Honey I Washed My Hair from Lush).

power cords

I am notorious for leaving power cords at home, so I started carrying one in my travel purse. And in my travel tote. And in my most used suitcase. My favorite is this dual cable with both a micro USB and lightening charger attachments. It really helps since we are a house divided - I'm solely Apple and the Man Friend is an Android geek.

zipper bags

I probably sound like I carry around a lot of stuff, but I promise there's a method to my madness. I keep all of the contents of my travel tote in Ziploc bags. Not only does it prevent them from rolling around, it keeps spills contained.

wine bags

Yes. The name might actually be a little insulting, but I'll take it for the convenience. If you're a traveler who enjoys going wine tasting on your trips, don't hesitate to invest in these travel bags. Since you have to check your bag (TSA is hard on us winos), your wine bottles are secured during the transition. You can even take it one step further - put the bottles in one of your extra dirty clothes bags and cushion it further with clothes.

use the roll method

When the Man Friend and I traveled to Europe, we were (a) trying to plan for a weird season change weather-wise (2) stay under the weight limits because we didn't want to pay for extra bags. Let me introduce you to the roll method. Just keep in mind it DOES make your lone bag heavier, but it's doable if you're checking one large suitcase.

Do you have any favorite hacks that make your travels a little easier? Comment below or email me at amanda@winebooksandwanderlust.com.

summery (fake) succotash

summery (fake) succotash

triple peanut butter cookies

triple peanut butter cookies