
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

8th cancerversary + the gift of gratitude

8th cancerversary + the gift of gratitude

Today, I celebrate 8 years of being cancer-free. It was a long road, full of tears, sadness, and now, ...hopefulness. I won't get into the details other than listen to your bodies. This isn't new-agey. It's serious, solid advice. Don't ignore the weird stuff.

So today, on my 8th cancerversary, which falls during the month of thankfulness, I encourage you to take a step back and make list of all that you're grateful for.

my amazing network of friends and family

I have family who are like friends and friends who are like family. We're a small but formidable group. If you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. We laugh, grieve, support, cry, honor, and respect...together. I have an amazing "tribe" and I can't imagine my life without those people in it.

the fur babies

Seriously, I am one of those crazy animal moms. There's nothing better than snuggling up next to my sweet pups (or kitty, if she's feeling charitable). Like the saying goes, "I want to be the kind of person my dog thinks I am."

challenging career

I have three jobs. Seriously. Two full time jobs and one side gig...plus this. I keep busy, partly because I need to (AGGGH, online shopping + idle hands), partly because I want to. Needless to say, I'm surrounded by people who push me to be better and work harder. And Lord knows I love a good challenge.

the gift of travel

Five years ago, I would never have expected to have a list of places I'd actually visited. I wouldn't have expected stamps in my passport. However, I've got all of those. It's taught me to be more compassionate and less restricted about how the world operates. I've seen a sunrise in Paris as we drove by the Eiffel Tower. I've watched the gas lamps flicker on the streets of the French Quarter. I've walked through a foggy vineyard in Oregon. I've stood at the cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean. It made me feel minuscule and infinite, all at the same time.

i've read some great books...

From the time I was old enough to read, I've had my nose buried in a book. I've got my small list of "read over and over's" and the "one and done's." Needless to say, I'm happy to have books that have piqued my interest and increased my knowledge base.

...and I've drank some great wine

Need I go into this one? Luckily, I got out of the Lambrusco and boxed wine phase quickly.


Seriously, Wine, Books, & Wanderlust is something I've dreamed about for a long time. I strive to provide better content, pictures, and topics for you, dear reader, as I progress and learn and grow. Thank you for following me on this journey and letting me take a little bit of your day.

Be grateful every. single. day. Even on the shittiest of day. Because there's always something positive, always something good. Whether it's hopping on a flight to a new destination or the smile of the little baby in the grocery store, life is what you make of it. So...make it good.

Much love,


the sexiest thing is the world is being really smart.
and thoughtful.
and being generous.
everything else is crap.
— ashton kutcher
creole jambalaya

creole jambalaya

travel apps to make your life easier

travel apps to make your life easier