
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

reading list: fall 2016

reading list: fall 2016

Fall is finally here.

As a kid, I remember curling up in bed with my electric blanket and a stack of books. As an adult, once the weather gets cooler, it's still one of my favorite things to do. However, now I snuggle up on the couch with a fuzzy blanket, comfy pajamas, a cup of hot coffee or tea...and usually all three fur babies.

I have hundreds of books in my library, both digital and hard copies. However, I wanted to share some of the books I'm really looking forward to reading this autumn. Some of them are new and some are old...but I still want to read them all.

jackaby william ritter

What an awesome BookBub deal! I managed to snag this book for $1.99. While I've had it in my library for several months, I think October will be the perfect time to start this series. Set in New England in the late 1800's, Abigail finds herself working for a curious and ingenious investigator by the name of Jackaby. Ritter's books are called a called, "Sherlock Holmes crossed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer” by the Chicago Tribune. Sounds like a perfect Sleepy Hollow-esque series to read before Halloween.

three dark crowns kendare blake

My sweet friend Sara knows that I have a sweet spot for dark(er) YA fantasy novels. When she tagged me on Facebook on this video, I couldn't resist. A set of triples is born each generation, each gifted with a different type of magic. Once they reach their sixteenth birthday, they essentially have to duke it out for the crown. However, two of the triplets have been faking their magical abilities. And so the story begins.

the obsidian chamber douglas preston and lincoln child

I've discussed my not-so-secret love affair with the Agent Pendergast series before. However, this is where I admit to being a bad fan, as I have purchased but still not read the most recent novel, Crimson Shore. These novels never fail to fascinate and scare the bejeezus out of me all at the same time. They're always a perfect read for fall...and as this new book isn't released until mid-October, there's plenty of time to catch up.

lasher anne rice

I'm almost halfway through The Witching Hour audiobook and I cannot wait to delve into the next book in the trilogy. It's totally up my alley, with little anecdotes of history and rich storytelling. I can almost imagine myself strolling through the gas lamp streets of the French Quarter. I also cannot wait to hear more about who "The Man" is, in actuality.

So what's on your fall reading list? I'm totally up for suggestions, so leave them in the comment section or send me an email at amanda@winebooksandwanderlust.com!

monthly recap | september 2016

monthly recap | september 2016

fur baby friday...but on a monday | 09.26.16

fur baby friday...but on a monday | 09.26.16