
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

monthly recap | september 2016

monthly recap | september 2016

I'm typing this while dinner is finishing up in the crockpot. While I'm drinking wine. While I'm hungry. While the Man Friend builds me a new wine rack because I have too much wine and not enough storage.

I may or may not be drunk by the end of this post.

hpotm (hot post of the month)

Big surprise. This month's hot post is about...wine! My review about Paso Robles' very own Castoro Cellars was a pretty popular post this month. It also made it very apparent that my dear followers are just as big of winos as I am.


Memphis was the big trip this month and boy, was it worth the wait! Stephanie and I had such a fun time on our girls' weekend in Tennessee. We visited Graceland, enjoyed plenty of local brews, and ate quite a bit of barbecue. Memphis was beautiful and the people were really friendly. I'm already planning a trip back.

You should also check out my tips on how to enjoy being at tourist in Texas (my home state). There's still so much I haven't seen or done here...yet.


Life is so much easier when you've got the right cooking tools. This month, I shared my favorite go-to gadgets, which range in price...and cabinet space. Also, go buy yourself some black bananas on the cheap, and make one (or all!) of my three variations of banana bread. You won't be sorry, because it's the perfect fall snack with coffee or tea.


Do you read multiple books at one time? I know I certainly do. I just can't help it. I shared what I've been reading this month (the eons-long audiobook), as well as what's on my fall bookworm wish list.

upcoming plans

I apologize for the posts being few and far between this month. However, I can happily report that work is crazy busy (in a great way). That being said, I have lots of plans for the upcoming month, because...OCTOBER'S MY FAVORITE.

Though I've already said it, but I'm also headed back to the soul city next month. October is seriously the best time of year to go to New Orleans. Between the weather being fantastic and all of the creepy Halloween celebrations, I always feel the pull this time of year. So we're going back...because the mama-in-law has a work conference, it's our anniversary, and dammit, we just want to go.

Like we needed an excuse. I don't need that negativity in my life.

Travel on, read on, and eat on, my adventurous followers. Welcome to October!

denton | september 2016

denton | september 2016

reading list: fall 2016

reading list: fall 2016