
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

ebooks or hard copy?

ebooks or hard copy?

I am a voracious reader. I have been all of my life. As a kid, I remember bringing 3 or 4 books with me when my parents would take us out to dinner at a restaurant. My dad would chastise me a bit and encourage me to join in the conversation. 

Growing up, all of my books were hard copy. There were no other alternatives. In fact, I didn't even start reading eBooks until 2012. I downloaded Amazon's Kindle app on my iPad. Then, two years later, the Man Friend and I exchanged Kindle Paperwhites for Christmas (totally planned, it wasn't a surprise at all). While I love my devices, there are still some upsides to actual books. I'm here to share a few of my pros and cons for both eBooks and hard copy.

yay for ebooks

(1) Having a device means your library is completely portable. It certainly helps when the Man Friend and I are on the go. While carrying an iPad is completely more versatile, my Kindle is a lot more convenient for traveling because it's less weight. 

(2) The books are (mostly) less expensive than their hard copy counterparts. Before my Paperwhite, I sometimes had to wait several months for books to go on sale. Now, especially thanks to convenient services like BookBub, I can catch a lot of great books on the cheap. 

(3) Independent authors are getting their shot. Instead of struggling to find a publisher, many new authors are self-publishing and making their work public. It's a great way to get introduced to some new writers.

(4) They don't take up space or collect much dust.

boo for ebooks

(1) They don't smell like anything. Sorry. I have a thing for how real books smell. I can't help it.

(2) Sometimes, I have a hard time reconciling paying $15+ for digital copies of anything. While I can understand paying the additional money for paper, printing, and all that it entails, I just have a hard time forking over the cash for a digital book.

(3) I miss the heaviness of a book and the sound of pages turning. Call me a sap, but I do.

(4) The rise of the eBook has put many small, independent booksellers out of business. RIP, Miz B's.

hurray hard copy

(1) Like I said above, I love the smell of books. There's something amazing about going into a library or vintage bookstore and the smell just hits you. It's one of my favorite things in the world.

(2) They're amazing decorations. My dream house has floor to ceiling built-in bookshelves and windows. Throw in a full wine rack, an endless supply of coffee, and a fluffy chair and I'm in heaven.

(3) Apparently reading a real book is "retro" now. I guess I'm kind of at an age where I can be considered vintage. Damn.

crummy hard copy

(1) They're heavy to tote around. I usually read several books while I'm on vacation, so it's a pain in the ass to carry them on. It also usually puts me overweight on baggage when I have to check.

(2) Hard copy books use a lot of trees to make paper. I'm not as good of an environmentalist as I should be, but saving trees is important.

(3) Books take up a significant amount of space. And they collect dust. And they're heavy as hell to move. UGH!

No matter which version you choose, just make sure you keep reading. Seriously. 

veggie omelet with parmesan

veggie omelet with parmesan

avoid the blues between travels

avoid the blues between travels