reading challenges | 2017
I am a reader, a goal setter, a list maker, and a to-do list checker-offer. That's why I L-O-V-E the start of the new year. One of my goals every year is to read as much as I can and document it.
I encourage you to devour books (figuratively) in 2017. In order to help you do that, I'm issuing not only one but two challenges to get you motivated. You can choose to participate in one or both.
challenge #1: be a weekly reader
This is one of my favorite personal goals each year. Since I was young, I've always had at least a book or two going. After having so many people ask what I'd read, I decided it was easier to just make a list and share it.
Make it a goal to read a book a week in 2017. Some weeks, I manage to finish multiple books in less than seven days. Others, I find it hard to get through even one. I'm behind this year at only having finished 45 but, well, you know...I started a blog. It's GOING to happen in '17. Whether they're physical or digital copies, written word or audiobook...the goal is to finish 52 books by the end of the year. Occasionally, I'll have a re-read on my list. This is perfectly fine, but try to strive for new reads. Like trying new foods, you have to expand that palate.
your mission should you choose to accept it: 52 books by 12/31/17.
challenge #2: hit up the classics
As you know, I'm a huge fan of Gilmore Girls. I (somewhat) relate to Rory's bibliophile nature but when I read the list of all the books referenced during the I felt completely like Rory did in the "Road Trip To Harvard" episode when she realized how many books were in the Harvard library.
“I am uninformed and ignorant and...I can’t even think of a second synonym for uninformed. I suck.”
So I decided to remedy that situation by compiling a short list of classic books that will help me get started on becoming more informed and less ignorant. Many of these books I "read" in high school. But let's be honest...I actually just skimmed most of them enough to be able to pass a quiz and write a bullshit term paper. So now, as a mature(ish) adult, perhaps I can glean some worldly knowledge about life and expand my vocabulary and literary repertoire. Or I'll just drink a glass of wine while I'm reading a literary classic and feel fancy AF.
Though I don't know that I'll get through all 24 classics on this list, my personal goal is to read at least one a month. That ends up being almost 25% of my annual reading goal.
Special Note: this challenge can be combined with Challenge #1 and count toward your 52 books a year. Secondly, for all of my feminists out there, many of these novels were either written by women and/or have very strong female leads.
feel more worldly by picking up a classic or twelve
optional added challenge: get social
When you've completed a book (or one of the challenges), tag me on social media! I'll feature you on my page and social media profiles. I love sharing things from my fellow readers.