
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

veggie omelet with parmesan

veggie omelet with parmesan

Welcome to my little introvert world. I haven't left the house since yesterday morning. At all. And it's been glorious.

That being said, weekends are for yummy meals, so I planned ahead and made sure to have stuff on hand to whip up something amazing at home.

I can now introduce you to Woke Up Like This Kitchen. You get the same delicious foods, without having to hassle with a perfectly arranged messy bun, model-casual faux grunge clothing, or the "no-makeup makeup" look. You can even show up hungover.

You're welcome.

(for the record,  I had on an old shirt with a hole in it and, as the Man Friend so kindly pointed out, sleep shorts which I had apparently been wearing backwards since last night. Doh!)

When the Man Friend and I traveled to Seattle (almost) a month ago, we had a morning layover in the Las Vegas airport. I, for one, hate most airport food. However, I'm occasionally surprised. The PGA Grill offered a delicious, healthy(ish) omelet option for breakfast. Surprisingly enough, I really enjoyed it. Enough to where I wanted to remake it.

Just one small problem: I have never actually made an omelet. Probably because I don't particularly like them all that much.

Enter the Man Friend, maker of delicious breakfasts foods. He normally plays the kitchen sidekick role (unless we're grilling), but today, he was the superhero of our story.

veggie omelet with asparagus, portobello, and avocado + parmesan

prep time: 10 minutes | cook time: 15-20 minutes  

experience level: medium-ish | specialty: vegetarian

  • 1 tbsp butter or olive oil
  • 4 stalks of asparagus - washed, ends trimmed, and chopped into 6 pieces each
  • 1 portobello mushroom cap - stem and gills (eek!) removed, chopped into bite-sized pieces
  • 2-3 large eggs (depending on how much you can eat)
  • a splash of 1% milk
  • 1/2 avocado, sliced
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese

Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. While the pan warms, chop the asparagus and mushroom. 

Once the skillet is warm enough, melt the butter/heat up the olive oil, being careful not to burn it. Once it's hot, add the asparagus and mushroom, lightly seasoning with salt and pepper. Cook just until the mushroom starts to cook down and brown a bit.

While the veggies cook, mix the eggs and milk with a fork until well beaten. When the veggies are cooked to your liking, pour the eggs on top. Reduce the heat to medium-low. As the eggs cook, make sure to push the cooked egg towards the center so the runny uncooked stuff moves towards the edges (check out these pictures to show you what I mean.) If you're having trouble getting the middle to firm up, cover the skillet with a lid to let it steam.

When the omelet is ready, place the avocado slices on the right edge. Season with salt & pepper.

Fold the omelet in half on top of the avocado and slide out of the pan onto a plate. Top the omelet with the grated Parmesan.

side note: I also like spinach with this omelet, but the stuff in the fridge was muddled green sludge.

fur baby friday | 08.26.16

fur baby friday | 08.26.16

ebooks or hard copy?

ebooks or hard copy?