
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

achieving balance

achieving balance

I promise I'm not going to get all new age-y on you. I won't have you clearing chakras, buying crystals, or going to weird retreats. Seriously.

However, it is really easy to be hard on yourself. I'm 100% guilty of this. It takes a lot of work and self-realization to know that life isn't perfect. But between the media, celebs on Instagram, and reality television, it can be really hard to accept that fact.

(this lady NAILS it, though) 

This isn't going to be an incredibly long post. And it has nothing to do with booze, food, books, or traveling. This is simply something that's been on my heart.

This post is just meant as more of a reminder that it's okay to skip a workout. To order the dessert. To enjoy another glass of wine after a long day. To sleep in a little. To not get out of your pajamas all day. To feel a little wistful when you see pictures of beautiful places or read about them in books.

But it's not okay to beat yourself up over a cheat day. To compare yourself with others or to judge them jealously. To allow someone else's opinion of you ruin your self worth. To occasionally feel exhausted, cranky, and moody. To consistently focus on the negative instead of being thankful for all of the positive things in your life.

It's important to be kind, genuine, compassionate, grateful, loving, hardworking, and generous with your praise, love, and time. Be happy, be healthy, be real.

favorite kitchen tools

favorite kitchen tools

memphis | september 2016

memphis | september 2016