
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

motivation monday | september 2016

motivation monday | september 2016

August kicked my ass, y'all. For real. I wish I could say it was fantastic and happy and positive, but it just wasn't. And that's okay. Seriously. I'm just happy it's September, because that means fall.

I've been a smidgen stressed and on edge lately, but there are always a few things that get me motivated and back on track...and Lord know I've been doing them all lately. These are some of the things that help me get my mindset right.


In July, my officemates and I challenged each other to achieve a specific health goal. I lost 5 pounds (even with two vacations on the books) and "won." We enjoyed it so much, we decided to do it again. However, this time I said I'd run a 5k by the end of October. I don't like to run. But I'm going to, because I don't like to lose, either.

Even if I'm not running a lot yet, I am working out more daily. I feel like I've been getting a little lazy lately, so getting back into the mindset of setting certain goals each day helps.


I totally believe in the healing power of music. Not necessarily a specific genre. Just overall. I have a few songs that I'll listen to on repeat, because there's just something about them that I really, REALLY like. A few of my most recent favorites:

  • "On My Way Downtown" Lucero
  • "Way Down We Go" Kaleo
  • "That Ain't Country" Aaron Lewis
  • "Funny Little Feeling" Shawn James
  • "An Honest Man" Fantastic Negrito


If you follow me on Instagram, you know I got a new camera last month. Though I took photography classes in high school, it's been a long time since I've taken it off of the auto setting. I recently signed up for a self-paced online class on Craftsy to help me remember everything. Needless to say, I'm coming up with some great shots, familiarizing myself with my new camera, and finding another outlet to help me destress.


And when all else fails, there are hundreds of memes on Pinterest.

So, nothing too fancy or specific this month. I just wanted to share a few things I do to keep my stress and anxiety at bay. It's always important to laugh...even if it's at yourself.

Happy September, y'all!

wine wednesday | september 2016

wine wednesday | september 2016

be a tourist in your own state

be a tourist in your own state