
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

the joys of the library

the joys of the library

A few months ago, my sweet neighbor asked to borrow a book from me. I cringed a little, because:

a) I don't really like sharing books. I have a complete and utter anxiety attack/mental breakdown over stupid stuff. "What if it gets lost?" "What if the pages get bent?" Yes. I'm ridiculous.

b) I didn't actually have a physical copy of the book to lend. I only had the Kindle version.

She jokingly laughed it off, but honestly, I was a little sad. Though I'm a big fan of my ebooks with all of my traveling, I liked the idea of becoming a library member again. It just so happens that there's an amazing library a 10 minute walk from my house.

There's a lot to be said for signing back up. I filled out the form and semi-nervously answered their questions (you'd be surprised at how overprotected librarians can be of their books). But, as of Monday, I'm an official library card holder again...for the first time in, well, a long time.

it's (mostly) free

Unless you're late turning in books, there usually aren't any fees involved in borrowing. I was informed that the late fee for a book was a staggering 25¢ each day. I'm not sure how I'm going to afford it. Good thing I read quickly.

access to the latest & greatest

While I'm usually intrigued by new and bestselling books, I'll admit to being a cheapskate. I'm pretty hesitant about forking over $25 for a book unless I know it's going to be good. The library provides free access to these books so you can "try before you buy." The one downside is that you must be patient, as there's often a waiting list.

oh, the resources!

In the digital age, we have information at our fingertips. Unfortunately, not all of it is good information. The uprising of "fake news" makes people consistently second-guess facts. Your local library may provide additional resources to help fact check.

community involvement

Our neighbor takes her kiddos to the library pretty much every week. They offer fun classes, arts and crafts, and educational events for children. It also gives my friend a little break from her kiddos. These institutions encourage kids to read and educate themselves, as opposed to simply becoming engrossed in their devices. 

home (library) delivery

One of the best things about my community library is that it partners with other libraries in the county. If they don't have access to a book or resource, I just have to request it and they send it here. It's that easy! 

no dusting required

The best part about joining your local library is that you don't have to dust your books. You read them, return them, and get more. It's easy peasy.

For more information on how to support your local library, check out Book Riot's great blog. Be sure to volunteer your time and/or money and vote for initiatives that support the library's efforts.

Now...go read!

williamsport: a pictorial | july 2017

williamsport: a pictorial | july 2017

fur baby friday | 07.21.17

fur baby friday | 07.21.17