
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

thanksgiving 2016 photo recap

thanksgiving 2016 photo recap

Y'all. After three (yes, THREE) traditional Thanksgiving dinners, I don't want to see another damn turkey until this time next year.

However, regardless of how tired we are of dressing and cranberry sauce (we had enchiladas for dinner, YUM!), it was a really special holiday this year. We enjoyed food, fellowship, and a lot of fun with people we genuinely care about.

Thanksgiving #1 - The Man Friend's Local Family

The Man Friend's dad and stepmom traveled in from Houston. His stepmom is from our area and her parents still live here. They were kind enough to invite us to their Thanksgiving lunch and we happily accepted. One of the most fun parts was getting to see our nieces. The girls are getting so big, it's hard to believe. Claire was only a baby when the Man Friend and I started dating.

Thanksgiving #2 - The Work Family

My mom and stepdad own a company in town and for years, we've hosted "The Straggler's Thanksgiving." We invited anyone (mostly the Man Friend's coworkers and employees) who don't have family or other plans to join us. My mother and I have mastered cooking for a huge crowd. We had a really amazing turnout this year. It's one of my favorite things to do with my mom.

Thanksgiving #3 - The Fort Worth Family 

My dad and stepmom live in Fort Worth, as do several of my step siblings. My father has been battling cancer for the last 18+ months, so we used the holiday as a fun excuse to get together for a mini-reunion. It's the most we've seen him eat in a while! It was a really fun day, especially with all of the kids playing, dogs running around, and babies to snuggle. It was genuinely a perfect day.

I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving. Much love and welcome to the Christmas season!

monthly recap | november 2016

monthly recap | november 2016

lazy fest 2016 + a book review

lazy fest 2016 + a book review