
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

motivation monday | december 2016

motivation monday | december 2016

There's a chill in the air...and along with the wind, there's a massive rush in my life right now. I feel slightly overwhelmed (and Grinch-like) with the many work, family, and personal obligations I always feel this time of the year. Though I'm always busy, the last 31 days of the year are such a whirlwind and I feel life passing me by faster than usual.

Last year, I saw this image floating around Facebook. I'm not sure who to credit it to, but the thought is inspiring. It popped up in my "On This Day" feed this morning and it matched the sentiment I've been battling with over the last few days. 

Christmas, in my mind, has gotten so garish and twisted. I feel like instead of reveling in the simple moments, it's become a competition to see whose tree is the biggest and most glittery, or who received the most presents. 

So this year, our little family decided to take a step back: we aren't even exchanging any gifts among the adults. Shocking, right? Instead, we're sharing the gift of our time. And honestly, that time is more valuable that any amount of money.

So if the spirt of the season is starting to suffocate rather than inspire you, here are a few of my favorite ways to decompress from holiday stress:

  1. Go for a walk. Bundle up and get your buns moving. The brisk air and motion will energize you.
  2. Listen to your favorite music. I'm not a big fan of Christmas music at all. However, when I set up my Christmas decorations yesterday, I made an effort to listen to it. And it honestly got me in the spirit.
  3. Make time for yourself. You don't have to go to your cousin's coworker's friend's holiday bash. Don't overcommit to too many obligations, because that's the quickest way to burn out faster than a crappy starter log.
  4. Spend time, not money. End of year gifts often overwhelm your bank account, too. Instead of buying someone another scarf or some other something, perhaps request the gift of their time instead. The Man Friend and I actually asked his dad and stepmom to plan a weekend trip with us this spring instead of exchanging gifts. This also includes volunteering for events and charities.
  5. Bake a little something. If you're like me, you're generally in the kitchen from Thanksgiving to Christmas Day. However, planning to bake a batch or two of your favorite holiday treat can definitely lift your mood. A batch of my famous cream cheese sugar cookies or old-fashioned ginger molasses cookies can definitely make the season bright...and will make your kitchen smell AH-mazing.
  6. Take pleasure in the little things. I still get a little thrill when I see people's Christmas lights. Or when I sit in front of the first fire of the season. Or the chilly evenings where the Man Friend and I curl up on the couch under blankets with our books and wine. Or watching my sweet nephew's face light up as he experiences the wonder of the season. Or the first snow (did you think I would miss the opportunity for a Gilmore Girls reference?).

So that's it. Let go of the guilt. Prioritize your plans. Don't spread yourself too thin. And make yourself a merry little Christmas.

What are your favorite ways to keep calm and holiday on? Let me know in the comments or message me at amanda@winebooksandwanderlust.com.

what i'm reading wednesday | 12.07.16

what i'm reading wednesday | 12.07.16

deck the halls, y'all | christmas 2016

deck the halls, y'all | christmas 2016