
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

monthly recap | may 2017

monthly recap | may 2017

Holy moly! We've been in Pittsburgh for a whole month! There's been minimal reading and traveling, as most of it has been spent unpacking and (yay!) cooking. It's been an amazing first month...we've made new friends, had some great food, and enjoyed a trip from our friends Lev & Tanya. 

Also, my apologies for not getting this out on the actual last day of the month - I spent my entire afternoon at the Apple Store. Broken speaker and all. But the good news? My phone was replaced under warranty. Woot, wooooot!

top blog of the month

Oh, my sweet little babies made the top blog this month! They're so adorable, it's hard not to love them.

hpotm (hot post of the month)

So, apparently all of your enjoy snarky grammatical humor. For those of you who know me personally, you know that I hate hate hate when people spell or write things incorrectly (though I've been known to occasionally make a mistake myself from time to time). However, this t-shirt gained the most Facebook likes this month. It's too hilarious not to love!


After getting our official Pennsylvania drivers licenses, the Man Friend and I stopped in for a snack...which turned into a late lunch...which ended up being a big enough meal that we didn't even eat dinner that night. It was an awesome Lebanese/Greek restaurant that couldn't have been more awesome. Fresh flavors and oh. my. soul. the pita bread. It's no wonder this was May's most popular Instagram post.


Unfortunately, there wasn't much traveling going on this month. I did make a quick trip back home to visit my family and managed to write a "nice" blog about jerky people in airports. If you want some times on not traveling like an asshole, you can read it here.


This month, I was able to post a lot of food blogs. That is, when I wasn't trying out lots of new restaurants. If you're in a cooking mood, check out this simple and delicious summery orzo salad. However, because of the warm spring temperatures, a crockpot meal will keep your kitchen from heating up. My sister-in-law's comforting chicken stroganoff is easy and tasty. I finally shared my not-so-secret recipe for snickerdoodle bars with a surprise ingredient...browned butter. It's totally worth the extra effort. And hallelujah! I finally found a bread recipe even I can't screw up. This super easy Dutch oven, no-knead bread is awesome! I also took you around a quick stroll through my herb garden and shared a few tips on how to grow your own kitchen herbs


*sigh* While I am still on track for reading this year, I'm a little further behind than I would like to be. The speaker on my iPhone blew out, which makes it hard to listen to audiobooks. Additionally, I've spent a lot of time working on a class I signed up for. However, I managed to finish a couple of books this month. I promise to do better in June!

upcoming plans

The Man Friend and I are super excited to live in a place where people actually want to come visit! We have houseguests scheduled for the next three months, so we're really excited to explore our new city with some of our favorites. The Man Friend also purchased a new (to him) motorcycle, so we're trying to organize a few day trips around Pennsylvania to see what there is to see. Mostly, we're still going through the in's and out's of settling in a new state, from licenses to new pet vaccinations. It's quite the transition, but we're totally getting there...and it's nice to feel a lot more at home than we did this time last month!

great pittsburgh restaurants, part 1

great pittsburgh restaurants, part 1

herbs that are easy to grow

herbs that are easy to grow