
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

how to be a great host

how to be a great host

When we lived in our little tiny Texas town in the middle of nowhere, we very rarely had visitors. Now that we're in a great new city, people actually want to come visit us. We've already had two visitors in the two months since we've moved in...and we've got several more in the books! 

As a born and raised Texas girl, I pride myself on being an excellent hostess. There are plenty of Pinterest-worthy tips I could share, but let's be real...some of these just aren't practical. Instead, I'll share some of my tried and true tips that are easy to follow.

keep it clean

I'm not a huge fan of cleaning house. In fact, it's one of the chores that I hate the worst. However, if you're planning on having company...clean yo damn house! Make sure that your living room, kitchen, guest rooms, and bathrooms are clean. If you don't have time for a deep clean, make sure at least the guest room and bathroom are cleaned well...but take the time to straighten up the rest of your home, too.

(this also goes without saying - clean towels and sheets are a MUST)

the pirates at PNC park

the pirates at PNC park

be a (local) adventurer

Consider having guests as an excuse to explore your own city. In addition to introducing some of your favorite places to visitors, take a chance on going a little touristy! Get to know where you live by taking a tour, checking out a museum, eat in a more tourist-heavy place. The possibilities are endless! Balance out hole-in-the-wall places with things more along the beaten path. Pair a locally owned mom & pop restaurant with a big named event. Perhaps try five-star dining, then hit up a local ice cream joint after. Maybe even plan a brewery tour after strolling down the farmer's market. Just get out there and have fun!

ask ahead

While I don't recommend killing yourself to be a great host, it's important to accommodate your guests as much as possible. That's why it's always important to ask ahead. For instance, the majority of my friends and family prefer tea or soft drinks to morning coffee. 

  • Some guests may have allergies, particularly if they're coming to a new environment or if you have pets. Be sure to offer tissues and OTC medications.
  • Ask if your guests have any food or drink preferences. Our most recent houseguest drank all of my milk so I didn't have enough for cereal (yes, Morgan, I'm totally calling you out).
  • Find out dietary restrictions so that you're able to plan outings and meals accordingly.
  • Figure out sleeping arrangements. For instance, we live in a four (!!!) story home. The stair might be difficult for some guests to navigate.
  • Stock the pantry with a few basic requests, like specific creamers, a favorite cereal, or their favorite beer.

don't forget the little stuff

Have you ever accidentally left something at home when you're traveling? Make sure you've got extra basic toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, etc.) for houseguests. Also, leave out extra towels and bedding so they're comfortable.

It's also great to plan to make at least a meal or two at home. With our last guest, I splurged and made homemade cinnamon rolls - they're a bit time consuming but totally worth the extra effort. Bake a batch of cookies (or, if you're short on time, some yummies from a local bakery) or whip up a family favorite. My personal preference is baked eggs.

Little touches like water bottles in the guest room, small treat bags, or fresh flowers also make a big impression.

but most importantly...enjoy

Don't spend so much time accommodating that you miss out on spending time with your guests. They're going to be willing to overlook the fact that you still haven't organized your hallway closet or that the yard needs mowing. Open your heart and your home and the rest will fall into place.

And if it doesn't, just ply them with enough booze that they just don't care.

how to be a great houseguest

how to be a great houseguest

reading list | summer 2017

reading list | summer 2017