happy 2017!
It's here, it's here, it's HERE!
I absolutely LOVE a fresh start. Though 2016 wasn't a real winner of a year in my book, I am completely convinced that 2017 is going to be spectacular. Yes, I realize that a lot of that is out of my control but a positive outlook, a tenacious attitude, and being just the teensiest bit hopeful can make all the difference in the world.
Also, the fact that the 1st falls on a Sunday completely appeals to my ultra-organized little heart.
a year-end recap
and to think we didn't even have a full year under our belts!
the theme for 2017
An acquaintance of mine chooses an annual theme word. I love the idea of setting a single word goal on January first to aspire to all year. For 2017, I've chosen the word "moxie."
“MOXIE [mok-see]
noun, Slang.
1. vigor; verve; energy; pep.
2. determination; courage; nerve.
3. skill; know-how.”
It's actually quite fitting for 2017. I feel like I spent a good portion of last year just waiting. I'm more of a take-charge kind of person, so it was particularly brutal to me that I allowed myself to get into such a funk. Well, not this year. I'm choosing to show sass and spirit and grit and guts throughout 2017. It's MY year. Who's with me?
the girl's got moxie
goals, not resolutions
At the beginning of each new year, I make a list of goals that I want to achieve. I think that resolutions are too loosey-goosey. In my mind, a resolution is just a decision. As in, "I'm going to [fill in the blank]."
However, goals are more structured. There are steps you have to take to achieving them, and they're much more planned out. Therefore, I prefer yearly goals instead of resolutions.
2017 goals for wine, books, & wanderlust
- Improved Photography: In late-2016, I upgraded to a Canon Rebel t6i...and I LOVE it. However, I need to really spend some time re-learning all of the in's and out's of the camera. I took photography courses in high school, but it's been a while.
- Travel To 3 New Places: This is always on my annual list. There are so many places I love to visit regularly, like New Orleans. However, I think it's important to expand my horizons and see new places.
- Go (Quasi) Vegetarian: Starting today, I'm planning to try to start eating a more plant-based diet. I'm going to start out with a challenge to myself to try it out for 4-6 weeks. It should be interesting, considering I'm married to Mr. Meat & Potatoes. Be sure to read tomorrow's blog to fill you in on the details of how it's going to go down.
- Continue To Grow A Following: My goal for 2017 is to boost the Wine, Books, & Wanderlust social media following. I'm really going to focus on Instagram...so if you're not already, please help a girl out and follow me @winebookswanderlust!
- Read More Books: I was a little behind in my reading in 2016, so I've issued a Book-A-Week AND a classic book reading challenge for 2017. Participate on social media using the hashtag #wbwreadingchallenge. It's free, easy, and you'll become more well-read.
- Brand Building: Last year, I worked to develop a line of smartass coffee mugs. Though I'm still working out the details on this, I look forward to creating more products people will use and enjoy.
So, what do YOU want to see more of in 2017 on Wine, Books, & Wanderlust? Comment or email me at amanda@winebooksandwanderlust.com.
here's to a year full of hope. much love to you all!