
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

fur baby friday | 02.10.17

fur baby friday | 02.10.17

The Man Friend and I are on our way to sunny Costa Rica! WOOOOOOHOOOOOO for vacation!

While we're gone, we rely on our fur baby army to help us watch the babies. My mom, my friend Kelsie, and our great housesitters make sure that they're safe, happy, and spoiled when we go away. We couldn't travel as much without them.

Izzie has been doing better after her procedure. The doctors confirmed that she does, indeed, have a portocaval shunt. It's pretty severe, but we're not sure if surgery is an option. A few days after her scan, the stress and possibly whatever was pumped into her little system caused a pretty serious reaction. She had a major seizure that made her back end stop working and caused some disorientation.

However, after a few days (and lots of wet food mixed with plain white rice), the little booger bounced back like it was nothing. She's been eating like a porker, playing with her squeakies, wrestling with Tucker, growling at Ella, and snuggling with Mama and Daddy. The doctor thinks we can manage this with a strict diet and medication, so we will see.

However, thanks for all of the positive thoughts and people asking about the Izz. She's doing great!


oh, you know. just chilling' in the towel basket. nbd.

oh, you know. just chilling' in the towel basket. nbd.


post-procedure blankets snoozes 

post-procedure blankets snoozes 


"oh, that toy. you don't have to, like, throw it or anything."

"oh, that toy. you don't have to, like, throw it or anything."

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