
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

most romantic books

most romantic books

I am not a romantic. Not by any stretch of the imagination. I don't get all weepy at rom-com's, I loathe shows like "The Bachelor(ette)," and I get squeamish about cliché gestures.

Yes. That makes me a weirdo. And I totally, freely admit it.

My idea of romance is the fact that the Man Friend bought us matching swear word grammar coffee mugs for Christmas. That he changes my car's oil on a regular basis. That he will get drunk on good wine with me and listen to my ramblings. That's romance.

However, I'm not opposed to a good love story in the slightest. While the majority of the books I read don't always have their happily ever after's, I genuinely enjoy a good, sappy romance on occasion. So, in the spirit of commercialized love, here are my picks for the most romantic books, shared from the depths of my cold black heart.

daring masquerade by mary balogh

Awarded: The Best Of The Worst

I'm almost embarrassed to have this one on here, but I have loved this book for years. It embodies every cliché romantic notion ever put in a novel. The beautiful young, blonde, sassy heroine is trapped by her reduced circumstances. She encounters a mysterious "highwayman" and a snobbish English lord during her employment as a companion to a wealthy young woman...not realizing the two men are one and the same. Add a little bit of intrigue about the man's birth, a villain set to ravage the heroine, and you have yourself a classic romance novel. However, it has its funny moments and the heroine isn't a helpless damsel in distress. 

the notebook by nicholas sparks

Awarded: The One Everyone Has Read

The best part about this book is that it's a little bit gritty. This isn't a boy meets girl and life is perfect story. There's a separation, conflicting personalities, and meddling parents. However, one of the most endearing parts of this story is how there is always that one person who stays with you, no matter what. It's very sentimental and touching.

forever by judy blume

Awarded: The Walk Down Memory Lane

How many people reading this are still together with their first love? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Yeah, it's probably pretty slim. However, this short novel for teens is one of my favorites, simply because it reminded me of the intensity and desperation that comes with first love. However, it deals with sex, STD's, death, suicide, drugs, and other "risky" behavior...especially unusual considering the book was written in the 1970's. 

the witch of blackbird pond by elizabeth george speare

Awarded: The Middle School Romance

This novel was actually required reading when I was in junior high. While it was meant as a teaching mechanism for not being a judgmental asshole, the romantic element involved between the characters Nat and Kit was the pinnacle of junior high romance. I mean, who wouldn't swoon for a dashing young sea captain, especially when you're forced to sit next to the boy who makes fart noises with his armpit. Or maybe that was just me.

thoughtless by s.c. stephens

Awarded: The Guilty Pleasure

This series follows a couple who, after a big move to attend college, move in with the boyfriend's old friend, who happens to be in a local band. One thing leads to another, sparks fly, sexy time happens. Whoops! What I loved is that the characters aren't perfect or faultless. In fact, they do some pretty shitty things. But the novel (and its follow ups) is sexy, catchy, and easy to read. There is an intensity between the main characters that was captured so well on the pages, you can't help but read more.

the taker trilogy by alma katsu

Awarded: The Dark & Mysterious One

I love anything supernatural-related and this series packed a punch. It's incredibly dark, following an seemingly immortal heroine throughout the years. She encounters a police chief after she is accused of murder, to which she relays her story. The novel introduces a dark nemesis, who is not all that he seems. It was a haunting read that I ate up in a matter of a week. 

me before you by jojo moyes

Awarded: The Effin Tearjerker

I am not a crier at books or movies (for the most part). However, I was totally moved by the fact that the heroine, who was happy doing virtually nothing with her life, was inspired by someone who no longer wanted to live life at all. Sometimes love stories don't get a happy ending, but it's all about connecting with another person. And that makes me swoon.

honorable mentions

the texas! trilogy by sandra brown

Because who can resist three books about a redneck family from Texas who find their perfect matches? 

any nora roberts trilogy

A set about three Irish sisters who couldn't be more different? Check. How about one surrounding a close-knit family and Irish lore? Yes. Perhaps a haunted garden and the love of the family that isn't blood? Yep! Interested in a little mysterious scavenger hunt? Sure! Looking for romance and horror in a creepy town? You got it! Or perhaps (my favorite) a vampiric apocalypse? Wahoo!

Yes. I've read all of these. Don't judge me.

So, grab your chocolates, your wine, your box of Kleenex...and prepare to be romanced.

What are your favorite romantic novels? Tell me in the comments or shoot me an email at amanda@winebooksandwanderlust.com.

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