
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

most romantic cities | international destinations

most romantic cities | international destinations

As a frequent traveler, I always try to find the best spots for romance. Like I mentioned earlier, I'm not looking for bended knees, flowers, or birds singing. As a complete and total introvert, I'm looking for picturesque views, candlelit hidey-holes, and quiet places to spend time laughing and talking. These are some of my favorite romantic places, though they don't include all the ones I want to visit.

international destinations

paris, france

Well, duh, right? My favorite part about Paris is that even though it's a bustling city, they pride themselves on providing solitude comfort. I loved being able to stroll though the paths of a beautiful park, sipping on espresso in a small café, and sharing wine and dessert in the back table of a little restaurant. The first time I went to Paris, the Man Friend and I had been separated for over a month while he worked on a work project in Abu Dhabi.

My flight out was a disaster, so I arrived a full day late. Neither of us had cell service, we didn't speak the language, and it was COLD. However, in a pure movie moment, we spotted each other across the crowd at the Charles de Gaulle train station. While on the train to our destination, it started snowing. We spent the entire afternoon sitting in a café, drinking wine, and eating the most delicious creme brûlée we've ever had. It was perfect.

amsterdam, the netherlands

Though we didn't get a chance to spend enough time in Amsterdam, it is by far our favorite European city. Everything is walkable, the city is done up with twinkle lights everywhere, and the people are friendly. It's an easy city to fall in love with (and in). Intimate restaurants (like Restaurant Zaza's) are quiet, delicious, and welcoming. Take a stroll, hand in hand, around the museums, the zoo, or the botanical gardens.

london, england

Though often thought of as overcrowded and smoggy, there is a certain romance to London. If you're nerdy like we are, it's easy to get caught up in the history and literature, pubs and small shops. Though it's a world hub for finance and fashion, there is a certain romance to London that leaves you wanting to keep exploring. One of the things we missed on our trip was a tour of the Highgate Cemetery, which is known for its famous "residents" and its beautiful architecture.   

costa rica

As you read this, know that I'm actually sitting on the beach in Costa Rica, soaking up the sun and drinking boozy concoctions. When we first traveled to Manuel Antonio last year, the Man Friend and I were blown away with how beautiful this country is. From mighty rivers (most filled with big ass crocodiles, no shit!) to tree-topped canopies to some of the most picturesque beaches in the world, Costa Rica has it all. The Man Friend and I got to enjoy ATV and snorkeling adventures during the day and viewed dazzling sunsets each night. It was a perfect way to relax and enjoy our time together.

Stay tuned tomorrow, when I share some of my favorite U.S.-based romantic spots!

What do you think is the most romantic city in the world? Tell me in the comments or email me at amanda@winebooksandwanderlust.com. 

most romantic cities | u.s. destinations

most romantic cities | u.s. destinations

fur baby friday | 02.10.17

fur baby friday | 02.10.17