
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

first week in pittsburgh

first week in pittsburgh

Sorry, sorry, sorry. I'm saying that just like Amy Poehler in Yes Please. I'm the jerk blogger who hasn't posted an actual blog in a week. However, my house unpacking is coming along beautifully and it's beginning to look a little more like home (even though I'm a #TexasGirlForLife). 

I just wanted to share a few pictures chronicling our first full week here. Together. Me, the Man Friend, our three fuzzy babies, the two fat squirrels, and the countless birds in our backyard.

We've met our most of our neighbors. We've actually had dinner with our next door neighbors...twice. That's two more dinners than we ever had with our neighbors back home. People here have been incredibly friendly and welcoming. It certainly makes being away from home a lot easier when you've around nice people.

the fuzzies

"don't leave us!!!"

"don't leave us!!!"

the new 'hood

the last texas beer on our pennsylvania front porch

the last texas beer on our pennsylvania front porch

it's so green here

even the hills are colorful

even the hills are colorful

I'm looking forward to my next few weeks here! Can't wait to come up with new recipes and new adventures. Thanks for your patience with me, everyone! Much love.


orzo salad with black beans and spinach

orzo salad with black beans and spinach

monthly recap | april 2017

monthly recap | april 2017