
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

fur baby friday | july 2016

fur baby friday | july 2016

I'm the proud mama to three adorable four-legged kids...two dogs and a cat. I'm going to try reeeeeeally hard not to overdo it with pictures of them, but I am a little obsessed. So without further ado, meet the babies!


This little monster showed up right after we moved in. She wandered up into the front yard and has been a little sunshine for us. We *think* she's a Chihuahua-Yorkie mix but since she was a stray, there's no way of knowing for sure. Izzie has a sensitive constitution, so she's on a special diet. However, she's the light of my life with her snaggletooth and bat ears. Izzie loves warm laundry, Kong squeaky toys, and being in charge of any situation.


He's the only animal we've actually purchased and we got him on the cheap at a trade festival. Tucker is a bundle of energy who rarely slows down. He's very active, but he will occasionally snuggle. His face is very expressive, to the point where the Man Friend and I want to draw eyebrows on him...just to see (we wouldn't but it's a funny thought). Tuck loves, loves, LOVES to fetch & chew on toys and will play you a happy symphony with the squeakers.


Our one and only feline was found as a kitten, hiding under an old railroad tie at my parents' business. We were so lucky to have found her, because a massive cold front blew in the following day. Ella is a typical judgy cat, but can be affectionate when the moment suits her. Strangely enough, she and Tucker have formed a very unusual bond and are best friends. Her favorite things in life are clean litter boxes, shredded chicken, and when her automated feeder goes off twice a day.

simple pesto

simple pesto

seattle | july 2016

seattle | july 2016