
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

what i'm reading wednesday | 10.19.16

what i'm reading wednesday | 10.19.16

I have three books going right now. Yes. Well, kind of. I plan to start one this weekend.

(also, I'm being lazy AF tonight. I'm also catching up on watching American Horror Story, so I'm slightly distracted)

Book 1: Whispers From The Dark by Bryan Hall

Who doesn't want a collection of creepy stories to read the weekend before Halloween? Well, frankly, me. I bought this book almost 3 years ago and haven't been able to get past the creepy ass cover. However, I feel (especially after this season of AHS) that I'm emotionally ready to read it this weekend.

Book 2: The Last Madam: A Life In The New Orleans Underworld by Chris Wiltz

I technically started this book before we went to New Orleans last weekend. The French Quarter is known as the seedy underbelly of the south, with prostitution, bootlegging, and gambling. However, I never really got into the history. While this book is pretty poorly written (switching back and forth between eras, misspelled words, etc.), the story of Norma Wallace is an interesting one. A woman notorious in French Quarter history as a high-end "landlord," Norma's life was rather sad. She had a penchant for making money and younger men. This one should be an interesting read, if I can deal with the typos.

Book #3 - Lasher by Anne Rice

Lo and behold, I finally finished The Witching Hour during my trip home. Needless to say, I am now completely addicted have have at least another year's worth of audiobooks planned out, including all of Rice's Vampire Chronicles.

fur baby friday | 10.21.16

fur baby friday | 10.21.16

new orleans | october 2016

new orleans | october 2016