
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

what i'm reading wednesday | 08.23.17

what i'm reading wednesday | 08.23.17

I won't lie. I'm feeling pretty poopy today. Not like I've got the ruh-roh's, but my allergies are kicking my ass up one side and down the other. I haven't been sleeping all that well lately, and I'm just meh right now. All I want to do is curl up under my fuzzy blankets with my fuzzy dogs and read. 

But enough of my whining. I'll be fine. Just somebody hand me a book and no one gets hurt.

the might franks: a memoir by michael frank

Y'ALL! This is my first library book in a million years. It arrived today and I'm super excited. It was recommended by my friend and fellow bookworm, Rebecca. While I'm not a big fan of memoirs, this one looked so intriguing that I couldn't resist. The author tells of his delicately balance dependency on his childless, unpredictable, irresistible aunt, a power player in the Hollywood scene. The book focuses on his roller coaster relationship with a mercurial woman destined to alter his life, in one way or another.

the glass castle: a memoir by jeannette walls

I've been so bummed out by all of the sequels and series that are coming onto the big screen, but when I saw the preview for The Glass Castle, I was hooked - but I don't want to watch the movie first. The author, and formerly successful columnist, tells the story of her impoverished childhood as a child of an alcoholic father and a flighty, selfish mother, as well as her struggles to raise herself and her family up from the depths. Apparently I'm all about reading about dysfunctional families this week, but I look forward to having this novel arrive at the library.

great expectations by charles dickens 

Yes, even though I'm struggling with the classics, I've kept up the 2017 classics reading challenge - I just don't like whimpering, simpering female leads. Though I "read" (totally Cliffs Notes'ed my way through, c'mon) this in high school, I failed to realize how dryly funny Dickens' storytelling is, in actuality. As young Pip pulls himself out of British poverty, he meets the charmingly cold Estella (definitely not a simpering female) and the wealthy but peculiar Miss Havisham...and receives help from a mysterious source. It's a great coming of age novel, full of wonderful imagery. The narrator of the Audible version, Michael Page, does a phenomenal job engaging the listener.

harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban by j.k. rowling 

After adding the first two book on this post to my list and reading The Radium Girls, I am in desperate need of something a little more lighthearted. Though Harry's journey continues to darken as the books progress, this is by far my favorite novel of the series. When accused murder Sirius Black escapes the wizarding prison of Azkaban, Harry is faced to deal with more mysteries, hidden demons, and more difficulties than in years past.

What are you reading right now? Tell me below in the comments or drop me a line at amanda@winebooksandwanderlust.com.

how to help hurricane harvey victims

how to help hurricane harvey victims

summery (fake) succotash

summery (fake) succotash