
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

what I'm reading wednesday | 03.15.17

what I'm reading wednesday | 03.15.17

I haven't had a lot of time to spend reading. All things considered, I have been pretty busy. However, now that it's settled down (relatively speaking) and the Man Friend is back in Pittsburgh, I've got a little more time to read.

the sparrow sisters by ellen herrick

I actually just finished this book. The story, which is rather predictable, was a typical feel-good story about small towns, rumors, and a little magic. Three sisters, who are descendants from an ancient natural healer, own an almost magical garden and nursery. A death takes place, which stirs up a storm of accusation and finger pointing in the small community. While it was a slow-paced, easy read, the storyline was a bit too dragged out for my tastes.

dracula by bram stoker

Are you participating in the Wine, Books, & Wanderlust reading challenges? You should be! I'm on my third novel of the classic challenge, though I'll admit I'm a bit behind. This audiobook boasts a star-studded cast, including Tim Curry (yep, THAT guy), Alan Cumming, Simon Vance, Katherine Kellgren, and more. The narrators are quite good, though the females' stories are so boring, revolving around marriage and households and blah blah blah. I understand it was just a sign of the times. I would have made a horrible Victorian.

kaleidoscope hearts by claire contreras

I needed a potato chip book. Nothing too heavy. Maybe a little salty. You know. Ms. Contreras' work usually borderlines on the darker romances and so far, this one is staying true to form. After a massive loss in her life, Elle moves in with her older brother...and reconnects with his best friend, who broke her heart into pieces years before. I predict steamy sex scenes and several fights over past transgressions. Any takers on this bet?

tiny beautiful things: advice on love and life from dear sugar by cheryl strayed

I have a new(ish) friend named Rebecca. You were actually introduced to her back in October when I shared my friends' favorite spooky novels. Just a little reminder: she's the Man Friend's best friend's best girl. And I love her. She's got a get shit done personality with a heart of gold. Ethan knows I will eff him up if he effs this up.

Last week, after losing my dad, the Man Friend's three best friends (and mom and brother) stayed with us to attend the service. Rebecca came with them and the night before my dad's memorial, she handed me a little bag with two books and a hand-written note, placed in the front cover of this book. The note said, "I thought back to the things - the 'tiny, beautiful things' - that got me through my dark time. And I knew that on the off chance it would help you and mean something to you as it did to me - I had to loan you this book." She told me to highlight, make notes in the margins, whatever I wanted (which I won't, because I am a book purist...the HORROR! but I will take notes in my MoleSkine). 

I've known the girl for a little over a year and all I can say is that she is my friend. She understands. I mean, who thinks to "speak" with books very often? When I had a little quiet moment to chat with Ethan after the service, I told him how special she was and how much I appreciated her (and everyone) coming. That's when he told me that as soon as they heard our family's bad news, she was the one rallying the troops to get everyone out here. She organized our little extended family, from 8 hours away, to support us...and to help us grieve for a man she'd never met.

Love you much, sweet girl. I love conversing with you through books. Here's to many more!

fur baby friday | 03.17.17

fur baby friday | 03.17.17

the cowboy rides away

the cowboy rides away