
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

staying healthy when you travel

staying healthy when you travel

When you're traveling a lot, it can be hard to stay on the health-nut wagon. There are so many amazing things to eat and drink when you're on the go. It can be really hard to know when to say when.

However, as part of a healthy lifestyle, I believe in balance. That includes vacations, too. Just because you're traveling, it doesn't mean you have to let yourself go completely. Check out these tips on staying healthy when you travel.

explore by walking

One of the most fun things about visiting a new city is being able to explore. It's seriously the best way to learn more about the place you're visiting. One of the biggest items on my travel wish list is walkability. Inexpensive transportation is awesome, but I love being able to walk around. Not only is it free to walk (not including my fancy, I-have-crappy-feet shoes), it's healthier than Ubering it all over the place.

Also, the Man Friend and I have stumbled (sometimes literally) onto some of the best bars and restaurants when we were walking around. It's really a fun way to see a city.

wash it down with water

It's ridiculously easy to get dehydrated when you're on the go. Vacations can make you think that your healthy habits are on vacation, too. It's usually easier to indulge more in craft cocktails, local beers, and vintage wines because, you know...it's vacation. However, it's important to remember that dehydration is no one's friend and is a fun ruiner. A good rule of thumb is to drink a glass of water for every adult beverage you enjoy. It helps keep your waistline and your wallet happy.

go easy on the junk

If you're barhopping travelers like we are, it's really easy to get a little tipsy and order pub fare. However, there are so many restaurants that offer healthier menu options, too. Opt for fruit, whole grains, and lean proteins for breakfast. Balance it out by splitting the cheese fries and an order of hummus and veggies. Order brothy soup as your pre-dinner appetizer to help fill you up.

There are so many choices. One of our (now closed) favorite bars offered vegan snacks...their vegan chili was out of this world delicious! If you eat a fantastically tasty but super unhealthy meal, choose something healthy (but just as yummy) for the next one.

(also, if you eat like crap, this is where the walkability of your destination certainly comes in handy)

pack your own snacks

Admittedly, I very rarely eat chips or entire candy bars. However, if I'm on a trip, I somehow convince myself that it's totally okay to load up on junk food. Chips, candy, soda, you name it. I usually eat so much of it that I end up making myself sick.

So, I started packing healthier snacks to keep myself from getting hungry and to avoid the junk cravings. While I'll usually treat myself to a little junky treat, I only get one or two items instead of a grocery sack full.

  • Protein bars - Quest bars are my favorite (the s'mores and cookies & cream flavors are the best), but the Man Friend prefers Clif bars.
  • Raw nuts - Cashews and almonds are the best. Raw pistachios are unfortunately a bit mushy.
  • Fruit & veggies - Apples, bananas, pears, oranges, carrot sticks, celery, and snow peas are great for on-the-go
  • Pita chips & hummus - There are handy little plastic to-go dishes that perfectly fit inside a car cupholder to make travel snacking easier.
  • Low-fat string cheese - Though it's hard to peel into the fun little strings while driving, the prepackaged-ness makes these easily portable.
  • Wheat crackers & natural peanut butter - Make little sandwiches before you leave for a quick road snack (but package carefully to avoid PB crumbled crackers)

As you can see, it's not too difficult to make a few changes to your vacationing to accommodate a healthy lifestyle. I don't believe in foregoing life's little pleasures, especially when you're enjoying a new experience. However, you've got to keep it balanced.

So go ahead and have your egg white omelet...with a side of chocolate cake.

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