
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

motivation monday (on a tuesday) | october 2016

motivation monday (on a tuesday) | october 2016

Dammit. I did it again.

However, last night, I was drinking a delicious mixed berry mojito and eating amazing crab cakes. So please cut me a little slack, huh?

planning ahead

A coworker of mine, who admittedly is one of the worst eaters on the planet (direct quote: "My insides are like an 80-year-old man.") is trying the Whole 30 diet next week. However, I thinking that after the holidays, I'm going to try to go 80/20 vegetarian for the month of January. Anyone else want to go on that little, minimal-meat adventure with me? The Man Friend said he's OUT.

peace of mind

The election has everyone all up in arms. I totally understand that there is no perfect candidate, these choices are horrible, blah blah blah. However, remember that come November, we will have elected new officials, regardless of your opinion either way. And no matter who wins or loses, when it's all over, you still have to look people in the face and realize that you said hurtful, immature, asshole-ish things.

Just remember to be kind and not be a jerk. I love your passion and commitment. I do not, however, love that you feel the need to be a dick, whether in person or online.

so last month, but whatever

so last month, but whatever

and finally, congratulations are in order

Sending out a big fat congrats to Staci, the winner of our Finally Fall Giveaway. She won a bottle of Nebbiolo from August Ridge Vineyards, a super cute bookworm mug (with our logo), and a $100 gift card to Southwest Airlines. Thanks to everyone who participated!

moscow mule

moscow mule

old-fashioned ginger molasses cookies

old-fashioned ginger molasses cookies