
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

fur baby friday | 08.11.17

fur baby friday | 08.11.17

Since the Man Friend has been out of town, the fuzzies have become spoiled to sleeping in the people bed. It would be adorable if they slept on his side. Alas, all three of them sleep on/near me, so it's like squeezing into a twin-sized bed. 

We've all really enjoyed the cooler weather - we spent several weeks close to 90° plus the humidity, so the 75-80° days have been lovely. Izzie enjoys camping out on the patio to get her daily dose of Vitamin D. Tucker prefers the shade of the porch. Ella doesn't get to come outside because she eats the grass, and, without fail, proceeds to throw it up at some ungodly hour...usually on the carpet.

The picture below is just a quick refresher is why your Insta-life is not the same as your real life. You try as hard as you can to get your dogs to take an adorable picture with you and you catch a tongue to the face. Thankfully, my mouth was closed... 

#lifewithpets 😉


"what's a hotel room, mom?"

"what's a hotel room, mom?"

enjoying the great outdoors

enjoying the great outdoors

since he can't get the real one in the yard, he gets a stuffed bunny

since he can't get the real one in the yard, he gets a stuffed bunny


"no. no pictures today. please."

"no. no pictures today. please."

"fine. but take it from my skinny side."

"fine. but take it from my skinny side."

yelling at me to make the food machine work

yelling at me to make the food machine work


snug as a stinky bug in a fuzzy rug

snug as a stinky bug in a fuzzy rug

do you ever get the feeling you're being watched? me, either.

do you ever get the feeling you're being watched? me, either.



easy cooking hacks

easy cooking hacks

book lovers day 2017

book lovers day 2017