
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

book lovers day 2017

book lovers day 2017

(Dean's) A Book of Fairy Tales
By Hans Christian Andersen

Just a quick little post to share a pivotal childhood memory that helped cement my love of books.

When I was little, though I don't even remember how old, I was dreamily looking at the pictures in Dean's A Book of Fairy Tales, waiting for my mother read me a bedtime story. I begged her to read "The White Cat," by far the longest story in the book. She patiently read it to me as my eyes fluttered to sleep. I remember feeling so indulged in that moment.

The book, which now sits in a revered place on my bookshelf, is the perfect children's book. The scripted letter, the beautifully colorful illustrations, and the carefully retold stories were the ideal combination to capture a child's attention. I was beyond thrilled and honored when my mom let me have this book. It's reminds me of innocence and dreamy nights of when fairy tales simply weren't hard to believe. I still occasionally read it and, once my sweet niece and nephews stop chewing on books, I will continue the tradition and read the stories to them, as well.

Happy Book Lover's Day, sweet friends!

from "the frog prince"

from "the frog prince"

fur baby friday | 08.11.17

fur baby friday | 08.11.17

farro with kale, white beans, & mushrooms

farro with kale, white beans, & mushrooms