
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

fur baby friday | 02.24.17

fur baby friday | 02.24.17

This week was Tucker's 5th birthday! I kind of expected him to relax a bit once he got a little older but, alas, that time has not come yet. He's still our active, talkative, toy-obsessed wiggly-butt. Happy birthday, sweet baby!

Here's one of my favorite videos of Izzie and Tucker during the first week we got him. They still "argue" like this!


fuzzy sweaters and afternoon office naps

fuzzy sweaters and afternoon office naps


a little throwback to when he would actually take daytime naps

a little throwback to when he would actually take daytime naps


judging my plank positioning

judging my plank positioning

refrigerator pickles

refrigerator pickles

beach reads book review

beach reads book review