
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

travel bucket list | october 2016

travel bucket list | october 2016

buck·et list | noun • informal

  1. a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime.

Ah, yes. The bucket list. Like my reading list, my travel bucket list is long and plentiful. Though it's not set, I have several places where I genuinely want to see to see sooner rather than later. So here's my short list of places that are must-see.

south africa

Basically, the main reason I want to go here is to see great white sharks. Since I was a child, I have been completely obsessed with sharks. I watch Shark Week every year. However, I don't know if I could actually cage dive. Especially after watching this.

Ecotourism is something the Man Friend and I really enjoy. It's a great way to see the place you're visiting, while minimizing your impact on the environment. That being the case, I look forward to booking an expedition to see great whites with Chris Fallows' company.


This trip is actually coming up *fairly* soon. The Man Friend and I have promised our mothers a trip to wherever they want for their next milestone birthday. My sweet, fun, and spirited mother-in-law has chosen Ireland and Scotland for her trip, which we expect to make in 2018.

The Man Friend and I both have Irish ancestors, so it will be amazing to see where we come from. It will also be fantastic to see castles and water and green everywhere.

And beer. We like beer. A lot.

new zealand

The Man Friend actually already traveled to New Zealand and he LOVED IT. Between the natural beauty, it's a perfect chance to check out your adventurous side.

"You can drive the whole island in a day. Once you get outside of the little towns, there are random waterfalls and caves, just on the side of the road. It's relatively inexpensive and there's so much to do. You can go skydiving in the morning and walk across a glacier that afternoon. I mean, it's where they filmed The Lord Of The Rings. It's just beautiful." -The Man Friend

new england

I'm in love with the idea of visiting the Northeast in the fall. Just today, the Man Friend and I decided that next fall (happy dance), we're going to road trip our way through. We'll fly into Boston to visit some amazing friends, then we want to drive through upstate New York, Connecticut, and Vermont. I simply want to see an actual fall, with the leaves turning and sweater weather. Needless to say...we're finally going.

And I want to pretend to be on Gilmore Girls for a few days before it gets really cold.

What's on your bucket list? I keep adding to mine, but I'd love to know about yours! Leave them in the comments or message me at amanda@winebooksandwanderlust.com.

fall pasta salad

fall pasta salad

fur baby friday | 10.21.16

fur baby friday | 10.21.16