
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

fur baby friday | 05.19.17

fur baby friday | 05.19.17

Let me say this: so far, our little family is enjoying being transplant Pennsylvanians. The weather is gorgeous, the people are friendly, there are trees and water and pretty walks. It's really nice so far. 

Ask me about this statement again once winter hits.

I spent the last week getting our little summer garden ready. The Man Friend built a raised bed for me to grow vegetables in, plus all of the pots I brought from Texas. Garden planting means lots of outdoorsiness for the fuzzies. And they're LOVING having a big yard to play in. There are several resident squirrels and robins the dogs love to chase - the funny thing is that the squirrels talk back. Honestly, they're a little pissed about sharing the yard with the pups, I think.




easy no-knead dutch oven bread

easy no-knead dutch oven bread

browned butter snickerdoodle bars

browned butter snickerdoodle bars