
'Wine, Books & Wanderlust' is the culmination of all of my favorite things: delicious libations, wonderful food, amazing literature, fantastic travel, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy your visit!

fruit pizza

fruit pizza

I like pizza. I like fruit. Fruit pizza is a big win all the way around.

I initially made this for a friend's baby shower. Since then, it's become one of my most requested desserts. It's great for picnics, potlucks, or anywhere you want a quick, easy, pretty, and tasty dessert.

fruit pizza

prep time: 30 minutes | cook time: 15 minutes 

experience level: easy peasy | specialty: N/A

  • 2 tubes refrigerated sugar cookie dough (you could make your own, but I'm seriously too damn lazy)
  • 8 oz. block reduced-fat cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • Any fruit you want, cut into bite-sized pieces

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F / 175 degrees C.

Allow the sugar cookie dough to soften a bit at room temp

Pro Tip #1 - don't let them get too warm, otherwise you're dealing with mush 

Lightly mist a 17x11 cookie sheet with non-stick cooking spray.

Pro Tip #2 - I always use the disposable trays so I don't have to worry about losing one of my good ones. It's fine if you're serving at our own home - it's just easier if you're bringing this as a potluck contribution. 

Remove the cookie dough from the sleeves and place one each side of the tray. Press down and, using your hands, smoosh, smoosh, smoosh until the dough is evenly spread to the edges.

Pro Tip #3 - lightly dust your hands with a little all purpose flour to keep the dough from sticking to them.

Bake the cookie tray for 8-12 minutes. Once the edges begin to slightly brown and pull away from the edge of the pan, you (and the cookie!) are golden. Remove from the oven, turn it off, and allow the cookie tray to cool completely. 

While anxiously awaiting the cooling of the cookie, prep your fruit. I prefer blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and kiwi fruit. However, I've seen it with mandarin orange slices, grapes, and apples, too. Use whatever floats your boat.

Once the cookie sheet has cooled and the fruit has been prepped, it's time for the best part! Mix the cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla with a mixer on medium speed until smooth and fluffy.

Pro Tip #4 - slice the cookie before frosting it...it makes serving easier and is less worry about where you're going to find a knife.

After you've prepared the frosting, smooth it onto the cookie in an even layer, getting as close to the edge as you can. Decorate the top with your fruit of choice...you can do it in pretty, color-coded OCD rows by fruit type or you can spread it around to make sure every bite gets a little of everything.

j'aime paris | september 2015

j'aime paris | september 2015

holy hell, y'all.

holy hell, y'all.